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Do I have to keep creating a Graphics object

I am an old delphi programmer, I am used to creating objects and using them entire time for efficient memory usage. But in c# (maybe all the tutorials I've ever seen), you are creating stuffs with new every time (thanks to garbage collector!!, let me do the coding)..

Anyway, I am trying to create a designing software which has lots of drawing. My question is: do I have to create a graphics object, or use the protected override void OnPaint(PaintEventArgs e) e.Graphics every painting event.. because when I create a graphic object and then resize the control that I draw on, the graphic object that I created, has that clipping problem and only draws old rectangle region..



  • If you want to draw on the surface always use the Graphics object from the Paint event!

    If you want to draw into a Bitmap you create a Graphics object and use it as long as you want.

    For the Paint event to work you need to collect all drawing in a List of graphic actions; so you will want to make a nice class to store all parameters needed.

    In your case you may want to consider a mixed approach: Old graphic actions draw into a bitmap, which is the e.g. BackgroundImage or Image of your control

    Current/ongoing drawing are done on the surface. This amounts to using the bitmap as a cache, so you don't have to redraw lots of actions on every little change etc

    This is closely related to your undo/redo implementation. You could set a limit and draw those before into a Btimap and those after onto the surface..

    PS: You also should rethink your GC attitude. It is simple, efficient and a blessing to have around. (And, yes, I have done my share of TP&Delphi, way back when they were affordable..) - Yes, we do the coding, but GC is not about coding but about house keeping. Boring at best.. (And you can always design to avoid it, but not with a Graphics object in a windows system.)