I am trying to get auto binding template to work with out success. This is what I have done so far. The page doesn't render with the value of "greeting" . It outputs {{greeting}}.
<!doctype html>
<html lang="">
<link rel="stylesheet" href="styles/main.css">
<script src="bower_components/webcomponentsjs/webcomponents-lite.js"></script>
<link rel="import" href="bower_components/polymer/polymer.html">
<template is="dom-bind" id="app" >
<span> {{greeting}} </span>
<script src="scripts/app.js"></script>
(function(document) {
'use strict';
var app = document.querySelector('#app');
app.greeting = "Hello";
It works with Polymer 0.5.5 http://plnkr.co/edit/fmL9xQEXKwnINzdL3rBj?p=preview
Your {{greeting}}
binding must be the only content of a tag (Polymer documentation: Binding to text content). You need to remove the surrounding whitespace:
<template is="dom-bind" id="app" >