Here is my data set:
dataSource: [
title: "Test",
start: new Date("2015/6/13 6:00"),
end: new Date("2015/6/13 7:30"),
availableServices: [1]
resources: [
field: "availableServices",
title: "Available Services",
dataSource: [
{ value: 1, text: "On Demand", color: "#e6f1df" },
{ value: 2, text: "Patient Scheduled", color: "#f1e2ed" },
{ value: 3, text: "Admin Scheduled", color: "#fef1de" },
{ value: 4, text: "Unavailable/Blocked", color: "#c6c3c3" }
multiple: true
Here is my custom template:
<script id="block-template" type="text/x-kendo-template">
<div class="event-block #if(availableServices=='On Demand'){# on-demand #}else{# meep #}#" >
#: kendo.toString(start, "hh:mm") # - #: kendo.toString(end, "hh:mm") #
#: title #
#: availableServices #
And what it is outputting is this:
<div class="event-block meep ">
06:00 - 07:30
[object Object]
So, the part where I'm trying to add a class in the containing div based on which "Available Service" field is selected, isn't working. It's just outputting the else option "meep" no matter what.
And the part where I'm trying to just list which "Available Service" fields are selected in the content area isn't working either -- it's just outputting "[object Object]"
Any help would be most appreciated!
This is how you do it, you need to change the conditional to be like this one, just like an array
here is the template code :
<script id="block-template" type="text/x-kendo-template">
<div class="event-block #if(availableServices[0]==1){#on-demand#}else{#meep#}#">
#: kendo.toString(start, "hh:mm") # - #: kendo.toString(end, "hh:mm") #
title : #: title #,
available services : # for(var i=0, length = availableServices.length; i<length; i++){# #: availableServices[i]# #} #
JS code :
date: new Date("2015/6/13"),
eventTemplate: $("#block-template").html(),
dataSource: [
title: "Test 1",
start: new Date("2015/6/13 6:00 AM"),
end: new Date("2015/6/13 7:30 AM"),
availableServices: [1,2]
title: "Test 2",
start: new Date("2015/6/13 7:00 AM"),
end: new Date("2015/6/13 8:30 AM"),
availableServices: [2,3,4]
resources: [
field: "availableServices",
title: "Available Services",
dataSource: [
{ value: 1, text: "On Demand", color: "#e6f1df" },
{ value: 2, text: "Patient Scheduled", color: "#f1e2ed" },
{ value: 3, text: "Admin Scheduled", color: "#fef1de" },
{ value: 4, text: "Unavailable/Blocked", color: "#c6c3c3" }
multiple: true