I am looking for a clustering algorithm such a s DBSCAN do deal with 3d data, in which is possible to set different epsilons depending on the axis. So for instance an epsilon of 10m on the x-y plan, and an epsilon 0.2m on the z axis.
Essentially, I am looking for large but flat clusters.
Note: I am an archaeologist, the algorithm will be used to look for potential correlations between objects scattered in large surfaces, but in narrow vertical layers
Scale your data set to match your desired epsilon.
In your case, scale z by 50.
Use a weighted distance function.
E.g. WeightedEuclideanDistanceFunction in ELKI, and choose your weights accordingly, e.g. -distance.weights 1,1,50
will put 50x as much weight on the third axis.
This may be the most convenient option, since you are already using ELKI.