I am building a parser for a Domain Specific Language, (or DSL,) and I am attempting to convert a string to all lowercase. I know that toLowerCase
would easily do this task, but I need to leave string that is quoted with double or single quotes ("
or '
) in its original case. For an example, see below:
ThIs iS a teST "sTriNg Y'alL" aS yOu cAN sEE 'hEllO woRl\' o miNE'
this is a test "sTriNg Y'alL" as you can see 'hEllO woRl\' o miNE'
EDIT: Added backslashed quotes
Just threw together a quick parser, not sure how well it works but it should deal with unlimited backslash escaping
function string_to_block(str) {
var blocks = [],
i, j, k;
function isEscaped(str, i) {
var escaped = false;
while (str[--i] === '\\') escaped = !escaped;
return escaped;
start: for (i = 0; i < str.length; i = j + 1) {
find: for (j = i; j < str.length; ++j) {
if (str[j] === '"' && !isEscaped(str, j)) {
if (j > i) {
blocks.push({type: 'regular', str: str.slice(i, j)});
end: for (k = j + 1; k < str.length; ++k) {
if (str[k] === '"' && !isEscaped(str, k)) {
// found a "str" block
blocks.push({type: 'quote', str: str.slice(j, k + 1)});
j = k;
break find;
throw new SyntaxError('unclosed "str... starting at index ' + j);
if (str[j] === "'" && !isEscaped(str, j)) {
if (j > i) {
blocks.push({type: 'regular', str: str.slice(i, j)});
end: for (k = j + 1; k < str.length; ++k) {
if (str[k] === "'" && !isEscaped(str, k)) {
// found a 'str' block
blocks.push({type: 'quote', str: str.slice(j, k + 1)});
j = k;
break find;
throw new SyntaxError("unclosed 'str... starting at index " + j);
if (k + 1 < str.length) {
blocks.push({type: 'regular', str: str.slice(k + 1)});
return blocks;
var foo = string_to_block("ThIs iS a teST \"sTriNg Y'alL\" aS yOu cAN sEE 'hEllO woRl\\' o miNE'");
{"type": "regular", "str": "ThIs iS a teST "},
{"type": "quote" , "str": "\"sTriNg Y'alL\""},
{"type": "regular", "str": " aS yOu cAN sEE "},
{"type": "quote" , "str": "'hEllO woRl\\' o miNE'"}
So we can re-build your string as desired;
var i, str = '';
for (i = 0; i < foo.length; ++i) {
if (foo[i].type === 'regular') str += foo[i].str.toLowerCase();
else str += foo[i].str;
str; // this is a test "sTriNg Y'alL" as you can see 'hEllO woRl\' o miNE'