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VBA MKDIR in SharePoint fails

Here is my issue:

I am trying to make a folder in a SharePoint shared document library. But it only works after I enter my credentials using the "open with windows explorer" menu item.

My users will not understand if I tell them they need to do this first. So, my questions is either: (A) is there a way to force this credential popup from VBA OR... (B) is there a way to pass these credentials through VBA

myWorkbookBasePath= "\\\sites\transportation\cc\pipelineoperationreports\Shared%20Documents\" & folder

MkDir myWorkbookBasePath

enter image description here


  • What credentials would you use if you could provide them programmatically? If you can answer that, you could try something like this:

    Set objNetwork = CreateObject("WScript.Network")
    objNetwork.MapNetworkDrive "Z:", "\\server\share", False, strUser, strPwd
    MkDir "Z:\NewFolder"
    objNetwork.RemoveNetworkDrive "Z:"