Lets say we were modelling repositories in an app. We would want to be able to see all of our repo's at /repos/.
We can create a repo at /repos/create. In our model a repo has a owner (user), going down this route I would want my first form field in my create.hbs template to be selecting a user.
But it may also make sense to create a repo through viewing a user at /users/userId/repos, and then perhaps the route being /users/userId/repos/create. The difference here would be that the first field of my form would have the user pre populated.
I know that I can reuse the same controller by specifying this in my route:
controllerName: 'repos/create'
(what would the ember generate statement/ the place to put this route in my folder structure be, for this complex route?)
But how would I pass in the user to the repos/create controller?
The comment by @Artych provided the best way to do this currently, so to expand on this.
In the end I created a repo-create
component that may or may not be passed a user object. The logic for handling what to pre-populate can then be set in the logic of the component itself.
After this is was simply a case of having a one line template at both /repos/create.hbs
and /user/repos/create.hbs
, with the component.
I then followed the approach of using my user as my model in the routes/user/repos/create.js route and passing it to the component in my template as
{{repo-create user=model}}
With this approach I avoided doing anything explicitly on controllers, and moving up to Ember 2.x will be alot less painful.