Still learning the ropes with Angular and I have a form that loads students into a select dropdown from a JSON return and I want to change school name label to the school listed as the students school based on the student id. This all part of the JSON and it's working...sort of. When I select the student from the dropdown nothing happens but if I change selection back to the default the change works and label now has the intended value.
in my .ascx
<select name="studentList" ng-model="student" ng-change="getStudent(student)" ng-options="s.StudentID as s.FirstName for s in cStudents | orderBy:'FirstName'">
<option value="">Choose Students...</option>
from the controller
function vAppController($scope, $window) {
$scope.cStudents = $window.xStudents;
$scope.getStudent = function(xStudent) {
angular.forEach(xStudents, function (s) {
if (s.StudentId == xStudent) {
$scope.cSchoolName = s.SchoolName;
//$scope.cSchoolName = xStudent;
Not sure if this is relevant but this is for a webpart in Sharepoint 2010
Found your main problem, null can't be in caps:
Add that in with the inconsistent naming of variables (casing was not consistent) and you're in for a wild ride!
I fixed it all up for you and made it do what I think you want it to do, check it out here: