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How to enable hl-line-mode for dired?

I'm trying to enable hl-line-mode just for dired-mode, but its not working. Enabling global-hl-mode works but It's every buffer not just one which I don't want.

(defun hl-mode-for-dired ()
  (setq hl-line-mode 1)

(add-hook 'dired-mode-hook 'hl-mode-for-dired)

I get this error output in my emacs log if I try to execute the the elisp. Another question is why is the error output garbled like that?

hl-mode-for-dired diredp-nb-marked-in-mode-name #[nil "ÁÀ!ÂÃÄ!Ä " 
[font-lock-defaults make-local-variable (... t nil nil beginning-of-line) 
fboundp font-lock-refresh-defaults] 2] #[nil "ÆÇ\"    È=ÉÇÊ#ÆË\"$   
\"Ö#," [dired-mode-map now bdjc bdj sep map lookup-key "J" 
undefined define-key bmkp-dired-jump "
" ...] 6] #[nil "ÁÀ!Â" [bookmark-make-record-function make-local-variable 
bmkp-make-dired-record] 2] dired-extra-startup)


  • This is all you need:

    (add-hook 'dired-after-readin-hook 'hl-line-mode)

    hl-line-mode is a local hook. global-hl-line-mode is a global hook. You want it only for Dired buffers, which means you want hl-line-mode.

    Oh, and use this to turn it off:

    (remove-hook 'dired-after-readin-hook 'hl-line-mode)