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MyBatis 3.0.1 insert problem

Decided to move one of my project from iBatis to MyBatis and ran into a problem with insert.

mapper xml:

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" ?>
<!DOCTYPE mapper PUBLIC "-// Mapper 3.0//EN"    
<mapper namespace="bap.persistance.interfaces.ArticleMapper">
 <insert id="insertTestA">
  insert into test_a ( cookie ) values( 'tomek pilot');

mapper java file:

public interface ArticleMapper {
 void insertTestA();

mapper implementation:

String resource = "bap/persistance/MyBatis_xml/MyBatisConfig.xml";


public void createArticle( Article article ) throws IOException {
  Reader reader = Resources.getResourceAsReader(resource);
  SqlSessionFactory sqlSessionFactory = 
          new SqlSessionFactoryBuilder().build(reader);
  SqlSession session = sqlSessionFactory.openSession();

   ArticleMapper mapper = session.getMapper(ArticleMapper.class);
  } catch( Exception e ){
  } finally{
  return article.getId();

... line omitted for brevity.

the table in use:

    CREATE TABLE test_a
  cookie text

I'm trying to run this with mybatis 3.0.1, spring 3.0.3, postgresql 8.3 ( using postgresql-8.4-701.jdbc3.jar )

I believe all boilerplate setup is set up properly (I can execute a select against another table fine.

I tested the inser manually and it works just fine ( insert into test_a ( cookie ) values( 'some stuff'); )

For some reason the insert does not execute and no stack trace shows up :-(

Any hints will be most appreciated :-)


  • You didn't commit your transaction. Try adding a "session.commit()".