My first post here so here goes,
i have a UserControl with about 30 controls (labels, textboxes etc). Now i would like to make a "screenshot" of it. So i used the "DrawToBitmap" method from the UserControl.
Here some samplecode
//this is the UserControl with the about 30 controls
var sampleusercontrol = new SampleUserControl();
var bmp = new Bitmap(sampleusercontrol.Width, sampleusercontrol.Height);
sampleusercontrol.DrawToBitmap(bmp, sampleusercontrol.Bounds);
if i run this code, it returns me a black image all the time. I have no clue why. Please help!
Forgot to say that the UserControl is a WinForms UserControl
This had been working for me for years until it started returning a black image last week in production. Interestingly, it was just after we applied a new windows patch. I was able to find this posting about the issue:
You didn't mention how that winforms control was being created, but in the first case it was from a winforms app launched by a service. There is also a case on the Telerik site where the control was instantiated server-side by IIS to create a PDF file:
Try checking for the patch KB3057839 and rolling it back for a short term fix. Hopefully Microsoft will respond with a fix or a workaround going forward.