(OpenJPA2.x) I have Parent->(linktable)->Category relation. If I remove category from parent's category array it gets properly deleted from the linktable (unlinked). Adding a new category to an array gets inserted to the linktable. However problem is category target entity is also deleted from Category table. I have debugged jdbc queries and it's performed by OpenJPA library, db tables don't have a cascaded delete constraint.
ServerId|Code |Name
1 |code1|name1
1 |code2|name2
1 |code3|name3
2 |code1|name4
1 |cat1 |child1
1 |cat2 |child2
2 |cat2 |child3
1 |code1|cat1
1 |code1|cat2
1 |code3|cat1
Parent->Categories are linked using OneToMany annotation. Category does not know where it was linked from so prefer keeping that entity class clean as possible without any link annotations.
@Entity @Table(name="Parent") @Access(AccessType.FIELD)
public class Parent {
@EmbeddedId Parent.PK pk; // contains serverId+code fields
private String name;
@OneToMany(fetch=FetchType.LAZY, orphanRemoval=true, cascade=CascadeType.PERSIST)
@JoinColumn(name="ServerId", referencedColumnName="ServerId", nullable=false),
@JoinColumn(name="PCode", referencedColumnName="Code", nullable=false)
@JoinColumn(name="ServerId", referencedColumnName="ServerId", nullable=false),
@JoinColumn(name="CCode", referencedColumnName="Code", nullable=false)
private List<Category> cats;
public List<Category> getCategories() { return cats; }
@Entity @Table(name="Category") @Access(AccessType.FIELD)
public class Category {
@EmbeddedId Category.PK pk; // serverId,Code fields
private String name;
// this entity don't have OneToMany,ManyToOne,etc.. links back to parent
This is a legacy application I must use a composited primary keys, but it should not be a JPA problem I guess, after all this is a valid sql schema pattern.
You annotated the association with orphanRemoval=true
. That precisely means that categories which are removed from their parent, and are thus orphan, must be removed.