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ol.interaction.Draw: write unique text to every single feature drawn

I modified the "Draw features example" on OL 3.6.0 and want to let the user add his own annotations when he is drawing points, polygons, etc. by input-form (text).

I let jquery listen to the actual content in the input-form and return this value to the draw.interaction.

This part works.

But when the input text changes, the annotation on every single feature changes to this new value - not the behaviour I want. The annotations should keep their values.

var inputvalue = 'default description';
draw.on('drawend', function (evt) {
  console.log('input:' + inputvalue)
  var oldname = evt.feature.get(name);
  evt.feature.set(name, inputvalue);
  var newname = evt.feature.get(name);
  inputvalue = newname;
return inputvalue;

and the important part in the stylefunction

function personalmarker(text) {
  var higlighttext = new{
    text: text,

return new{
  text: higlighttext,
  fill: fill,
  stroke: stroke,
  image: image



So I guess i need to handle with some feature-ID? Or is the problem the drawend-event?


  • Set your style to the feature itself. Use this way:

    draw.on('drawend', function (evt) {
        console.log('input:' + inputvalue)
        evt.feature.set(name, inputvalue);