I updated to Eclipse Mars. Now if I hover over methods I have black text on black background. Before updating from Luna I had yellow background, black text. How can I configure this hover over for methods? I am on Ubuntu 14.04.2 LTS.
The best workaround I have is this:
export SWT_GTK3=0
before starting eclipse. (You can also do: SWT_GTK3=0 ./eclipse
Alternatively, you can now also do:
./eclipse --launcher.GTK_version 2
I found all GTK3 modes to be barely usable, and in a mess.
The "dark" (emo) mode still works somewhat, because there seem to be some hardcoded colors somewhere (ouch). I wish they would test better. This is just unusable. And I wish the GNOME people would stop breaking their stuff all the time, too. I hate everything they have been doing the last few years... they are totally designing their UI for a different audience than developers.
When trying out different themes/engines always restart eclipse completely (not using the "restart" menu) to make sure to pick up new environment variables etc.
You can set this as default, by adding export SWT_GTK3=0
into your $HOME/.profile
which will usually be read on login (i.e. this will only be effective if you logout and login again).