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Using TChart in C++Builder XE7

When I add a TChart to a test C++Builder project and build, I get an error:

[bcc32 Error] GdiPlus.h(21): E2209 Unable to open include file 'algorithm'

Full parser context

CPPMainForm.cpp(6): #include CPPMainForm.h

CPPMainForm.h(13): #include C:\Program Files (x86)\Steema Software\TeeChart 2014 for RAD XE7\Delphi21.win32\Include\VclTee.TeeGDIPlus.hpp

VclTee.TeeGDIPlus.hpp(23): #include C:\Program Files (x86)\Embarcadero\Studio\15.0\include\windows\rtl\Winapi.GDIPAPI.hpp

Winapi.GDIPAPI.hpp(24): #include C:\Program Files (x86)\Embarcadero\Studio\15.0\include\windows\sdk\GdiPlus.h

I find no 'algorithm' include files on my computer except in the Boost directories

I've install "TeeChart 2014 for RAD XE7", that is for both Delphi and C++Builder, right ?

Any ideas ?


  • Check that you have in your System Include Path (Tools | Options | C++ Options | Path and Directories) the default path for the boost libraries:


    This should make the compiler select the correct version of the library to include. In the first path, tr1, it's the file it is looking for: algorithm

    This is for XE5, but it should work as-is for newer versions.

    Optionally, you could add this to your project search path, but this should be on the global options, at least that's how the installer sets up this when installing.