I have below table
123 6/18/2015 15:48
124 6/18/2015 11:13
125 6/18/2015 9:22
126 6/17/2015 21:01
127 6/17/2015 20:30
128 6/16/2015 13:57
129 6/15/2015 10:21
130 6/15/2015 9:45
131 6/5/2015 8:26
132 6/4/2015 11:02
133 6/3/2015 16:01
134 6/18/2015 1:41
135 6/16/2015 3:37
136 5/18/2015 18:36
137 6/16/2015 3:33
138 5/11/2015 15:27
In cell E1:F1
Aging =SUMPRODUCT(--(A2:A17>128),--(A2:A17<136),
which gives me 5 as result.
Now, the requirement is to make use of NEW column value in place of blank cells in ASSIGN column.
Copy-paste NEW column values to ASSIGN cell is not an option, I am stuck with this.
Just wanted to check if @Byron answer in the comment works. It works, the result is 7.
{=SUMPRODUCT(--(A2:A17>128),--(A2:A17<136), --(NETWORKDAYS(IF(ISBLANK(C2:C17),B2:B17,C2:C17)+0,TODAY()+0,0)<=30))}