I have an asp.net-mvc website and I have the following code in one of my views:
var teams = <%= new JavaScriptSerializer().Serialize(Model.Names) %>;
Model.Names is a string array and one of the names, a team has a name "Joe & Bob" and it shows up in the html as:
"Joe \u0026 Bob"
even though it displays as "Joe & Bob" in the browser
The issue is that I have another line of code that tries to do a compare against "Joe & Bob" and it can't find it. When i looked into it the code on why its failing its simply spitting out a variable like this
"<%= Model.Name %>",
and in the browser source I see
"Joe & Bob"
(instead of Joe \u0026 Bob)
I tried doing this
<%=Html.Encode(Model.Name); %>
so I can do a proper comparison but I got:
Joe & Bob
instead of Joe \u0026 Bob
I wanted to get some advice for the cleanest way to get the same exact string in the browser source so I could do a proper comparison.
In JavaScript "\u0026" is totally equivalent to "&", so if you were doing a javascript comparison this would work fine:
console.log("Joe \u0026 Bob" == "Joe & Bob"); // true
But if you want to represent this string in text, you definitely want it to be HTML-encoded into &
<span class="name"><%=Html.Encode(Model.Name)%></name>
If you do this, then the text value of the DOM element should still be "Joe & Bob" as far as JavaScript is concerned:
console.log($('.name').text()); // "Joe & Bob"
console.log($('.name').text() == "Joe & Bob"); // true
console.log($('.name').text() == "Joe \u0026 Bob"); // true