After pointing to the latest manifest-merger.jar provided in the Android M preview and updating my apps to
<uses-sdk targetSdkVersion='MNC'>
<uses-sdk minSdkVersion='MNC'>
when attempting to use the manifest merger on these apps, I get the following error:
EXEC : error : [C:\MyApp\AndroidManifest.xml:3] Failed to parse <uses-sdk targetSdkVersion='MNC'>: must be an integer number or codename.
I am using the same command I was for the previous manifest-merger.jar and it used to work fine.
Update1: adding command
"F:\bin\JDK.\bin\java.exe" -classpath "F:\android-MNC-sdk\tools\lib\sdklib.jar;F:\android-MNC-sdk\tools\lib\manifest-merger.jar" merge --out foo.xml --main app1\AndroidManifest.xml --libs appBase\AndroidManifest.xml
Oddly enough, even though it produced this error, it was actually also producing the merged manifest. Definite bug with the 24.3.3 version of manifest-merger.jar
Reported here: