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division an integer into k parts

I'm programming in java and I need to formulate an algorithm. The requirements of the algorithm are:

  • We have 3 Integer variables n, m, k;
  • We want to divide n into k parts so that the sum of the k-parts are equal to n and each part is an integer between 1 and m.
  • We want all possible combinations with the allowed integers.

For example with input set:

n = 7; m = 3; k = 4

we have two different combinations that we can formulate:

7 = 2 + 2 + 2 + 1


7 = 3 + 2 + 1 + 1

thank you all.


  • The idea is a backtraking algorithm approach (with recursion), You can decrease parameters and get partials solutions and then check if you have a right solution.

    public class Problem {
        private static void algorithm(int n, int k, int m) {
            algorithmRecursive(Collections.EMPTY_LIST, n, k, m, 1);
        private static void algorithmRecursive(List<Integer> partial, int n, int k, int m, int min) {
            if ( (k > 0) ) {
                // Optimization
                if ((n <= k * m) && (n >= k*min)){
                    for (int i = min; i <= Math.min(m, n); i++) {
                        List<Integer> newPartial = new ArrayList<>(partial);
                        algorithmRecursive(newPartial, n - i, k - 1, m, i);
            } else if (n == 0) {
                // Right solution
        public static void main(String[] args) {