I am using a dynamic form with validation rules and I want to make the browser validate also the form before it submit so I used whenClient
. There is a checkbox that when clicked, will not process validation...
['dv_number', 'required', 'when' => function ($model) {
return $model->is_cancelled == 1;
}, 'whenClient' => "function (attribute, value) {
var firstletter=(attribute.name.charAt(0));
var index='';
if(firstletter==='['){ //when dynamic form is not activated and name of inputs is like [0]dv_number
index=attribute.name.charAt(1);//I get the array index
index=attribute.name.charAt(9);//dynamic form activated the name of inputs changed like this TblDvBub[0][dv_number].
return false;//validation will not take place
return true;//validation from browser takes place
So I get the index number using the index
variable. My problem is to replace the 0
in this line if($('[name=\'TblDvBub[0][is_cancelled][]\']').is(\":checked\"))
to index and make it like this if($('[name=\'TblDvBub[index][is_cancelled][]\']').is(\":checked\"))
NOTE that the whole code starting from when client is enclosed by " "
I have tried this and a lot others but to no avail.
if($('[name=\'TblDvBub[' + index +'][is_cancelled][]\']').is(\":checked\"))
This is just a JS/jQuery/PHP issue. You have to escape the brackets in the name filter of the selector:
if($('[name=TblDvBub\\[' + index + '\\]\\[is_cancelled\\]\\[\\]]').is(\":checked\"))
Not quite sure, but when this is within a "" string in PHP you have to even double the escaping characters:
if($('[name=TblDvBub\\\\[' + index + '\\\\]\\\\[is_cancelled\\\\]\\\\[\\\\]]').is(\":checked\"))
I think this is the problem here. Does it help? Is the first or second way correct?
See jQuery doc (noted in the starting paragraph).