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Creating Task using Wunderlist API

After understanding this (guess so) and ended up using the Wunderlist API, it worked for listing all my lists and listing all my tasks with a given list_id. Now i'm trying to create a task, given a list_id:

function create_new_task(){
   list_id = $("#list_id").val(); //Checked for an integer
   title = $("#task_title").val(); //Checked for a string
       url: '',
       method: 'POST',
       contentType: 'application/json',
       headers: { 'X-Access-Token': access_token, 'X-Client-ID': client_id },
       data: {"list_id": parseInt(list_id), "title": title.toString() }
       swal("Task created!", "Your task was successfully created!", "success");

But im getting a 400 bad request with the following non-descriptive error:


Any one has accomplished this before or can see what am i missing?



Now im trying to use CURL and it works.. cant find the difference with my $.ajax implementation:

curl -H "Content-Type: application/json" -H "X-Access-Token: XXX" -H "X-Client-ID: YYY" -X POST -d '{"list_id":1234567,"title":"hellooo"}'


  • Finally!, this did the trick.

    Apparently i had to set processData: false because i needed to send a string as data, not an object. Also changing data to a string instead of an object.