I am using NAN for including a c++ library in node.js. I understand how to pass numbers and strings back and forth between the two, but I don't understand how to pass arrays. What I would like to do is something like this:
var test = require('bindings')('test');
var buffer = [0,0,0,0,0,0.1,0,0,0,0,-0.1];
test.encode(buffer, buffer.length);
var encoder = new Encoder();
//the next line is incorrect, I want to take the buffer array and pass it as a pointer to the encodeBuffer() function
Local<Number> buffer = args[0].As<Number>();
//get the integer value of the second argument
Local<Number> buffer_length = args[1].As<Number>();
int bl_int = buffer_length->IntegerValue();
//call function
encoder.encodeBuffer(buffer, bl_int);
void Init(Handle<Object> exports) {
exports->Set(NanNew("encode"), NanNew<FunctionTemplate>(Encode)->GetFunction());
The actual method I would like to use from c++ library is declared:
void encodeBuffer(float *buffer, size_t l);
I tried looking at the documentation but they don't say anything about pointers and arrays.. Am I missing something?
Lets say you have a Buffer, how I normally pass is like this:
var buffer = new Buffer([10, 20, 30, 40, 50]);
Then to Pass it to the extension:
Extension.to_image(buffer, buffer.length
And In my native code:
NAN_METHOD(to_image) {
unsigned char*buf = (unsigned char*) node::Buffer::Data(args[0]->ToObject());
unsigned int size = args[1]->Uint32Value();
As you can see at the end I have a buffer and the buffer length transferred to my c++ code.
Here is a good article: http://luismreis.github.io/node-bindings-guide/docs/arguments.html
And another very good one: http://www.puritys.me/docs-blog/article-286-How-to-pass-the-paramater-of-Node.js-or-io.js-into-native-C/C++-function..html