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Unable to get the major and minor values of an estimote beacon to persist into a database

I am trying to build an Enterprise App using ibeacons. I purchased Estimote Beacons Kit and trying to build an Android application to get the ID of each beacon, so that I can persist that ID into a Database and write my own business logic for the application.

Can any one help me out to range the beacons. I done with monitoring beacons and sending a Notification accordingly. Now I want only to range the Beacons and get the ID's. Please help with the code to get the beacon major and minor values so that I can kick start my app from there on-words.


  • You can use Estimote Android SDK for that. See quickstart which is beacon ranging:

    private BeaconManager beaconManager = new BeaconManager(context);
    // Should be invoked in #onCreate.
    beaconManager.setRangingListener(new BeaconManager.RangingListener() {
      @Override public void onBeaconsDiscovered(Region region, List<Beacon> beacons) {
        Log.d(TAG, "Ranged beacons: " + beacons);
    // Should be invoked in #onStart.
    beaconManager.connect(new BeaconManager.ServiceReadyCallback() {
      @Override public void onServiceReady() {
        try {
        } catch (RemoteException e) {
          Log.e(TAG, "Cannot start ranging", e);
    // Should be invoked in #onStop.
    try {
    } catch (RemoteException e) {
      Log.e(TAG, "Cannot stop but it does not matter now", e);
    // When no longer needed. Should be invoked in #onDestroy.