I am working on an app which required to tell the user location for example street#3,baker street ,,,,,london etc , for this king of purpose I am using the geocoder class which sometimes returns null and some times returns me the pure good address. I am doing this as follow :
geocoder = new Geocoder(MainActivity.this, Locale.getDefault());
geocoder.getFromLocation(gps.getLatitude(), gps.longitude, 1);
As some of the time I am getting the null in address so some one adviced me to use the following link and pass jus the lat and long of location
I searched it on internet and i got the link of google api that is geocoding class. google geocoding api which has some limitations.
so now I am stuck here. I do not want to use the geocoding api as it has some limitations and also as I am lazy i do not want the complex work of api key and also the fetching address from json. :P
so what is best and good for me , and what is recommended. ?
please answer me. I got the same question but the answer is not clear
There will always be query limits with these sorts of web services. The limitation I have experienced with the Service (on JavaScript) is that the time in between queries without getting OVER_QUERY_LIMIT
increases with the more requests at a time. The API does not have this setback, so I prefer that. Since the API involves only a URL, I would probably prefer to do that, myself.
So even though there is a query limit for the API, the JavaScript API has a query limit, too, and is a lot slower for big batches of data.