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Unable to resolve Autofac dependencies from a Mef CompositionContainer when used according to documentation

A Mef CompositionContainer is unable to resolve Autofac dependencies when used according to documentation at

I have a large code-base that has extensive use of a ServiceLocator and singletons... The service-locator does all object-creation, composition etc by using a cached System.ComponentModel.Composition.Hosting.CompositionContainer. (Also, note that we currently use/need metadata support) I am attempting to switch from this to a more modern architecture. For this to work, the existing Mef-based (‘CompositionContainer’-based) service-locator will have to cooperate with the Autofac IoC container.

The following function

  1. Creates a Mef CompositionContainer
  2. Demonstrates that MEF is able to resolve a simple export
  3. Configures Autofac to register with MEF and export the AutofacExport to MEF by using the .Exported extension method.
  4. Demonstrates that Autofac can resolve a mef-component with a dependency definend in Autofac
  5. Demonstrates that Mef is unable to resolve the exported component component with the Autofac dependency.

The exception thrown is: ImportCardinalityMismatchException("No exports were found that match the constraint: ContractName MefExportWithDependency RequiredTypeIdentity MefExportWithDependency" is thrown.

public void MefResolve_ObjectWithDependency_CanResolveWhenAutofacRegistersDependeyncy2()
    //1. Initialize Mef
    var composablePartCatalogs = new List<ComposablePartCatalog>
        new AssemblyCatalog(Assembly.GetExecutingAssembly())
        //A lot more here..

    var aggregateCatalog = new AggregateCatalog(composablePartCatalogs);
    var container = new CompositionContainer(aggregateCatalog, true);
    //2. As expected this is resolved

    //3. Initialize Autofac
    var builder = new ContainerBuilder();
    builder.Register(c => new AutofacExport()).Exported(x => x.As<AutofacExport>());

    var ioc = builder.Build();

    //4. Here Autofac is correctly providing the dependency to the mef ImportingConstructor

    //5. The next line will throw ImportCardinalityMismatchException

There code above expects the following classes to be defined:

public class AutofacExport { }

public class MefExport { }

public class MefExportWithDependency
    public AutofacExport AutofacExport { get; set; }

    public MefExportWithDependency(AutofacExport autofacExport)
        AutofacExport = autofacExport;

Note: I have also had a look at - which promises to integrate Mef with Autofac. However, I am not able to find relevant documentation on how to configure that, and the package does not have a lot of usage.


  • I think you may have misunderstood the way the Autofac.Mef package is supposed to work. While it brings MEF items into Autofac, letting Autofac understand the export/import attributes and items registered in the MEF catalogs, it's a one-way operation - it doesn't push Autofac registrations into MEF or allow a MEF CompositionContainer to use Autofac.

    I believe what you want is the MefContrib.Integration.Autofac package you mentioned, which appears to allow things to flow the other direction - from Autofac into MEF.

    A good place to see how it works is in their repository, where they have some unit tests showing integration where MEF is resolving Autofac items. Here's one such test:

    public void ExportProviderResolvesServiceRegisteredByTypeTest()
        // Setup
        var builder = new ContainerBuilder();
        var autofacContainer = builder.Build();
        var adapter = new AutofacContainerAdapter(autofacContainer);
        var provider = new ContainerExportProvider(adapter);
        var component = provider.GetExportedValue<IAutofacOnlyComponent>();
        Assert.That(component, Is.Not.Null);
        Assert.That(component.GetType(), Is.EqualTo(typeof(AutofacOnlyComponent1)));

    As you can see, they have an adapter for Autofac containers that sort of "converts" them into something MEF can understand. They also have some unit tests showing bi-directional integration - MEF resolving from Autofac, Autofac resolving from MEF.

    I've never personally used that package, but I think if you check out the tests and how they've got those set up it should get you on your way.