I have a email address field and 3 radio buttons. You must click one radio button and it will redirect you to another page. I am testing here If I can get the value of radio button (Category.val).
Here is my code:
function(A) {
$('a.btn-resetpass').click(function() {
var validator = $(".pwdLength"),
Category = $(".1");
if (validator.val().length != 0) {
if (Category.val() == 1) {
else if (Category.val() == 2) {
else if (Category.val() == 3) {
else {
alert ("Please input a valid email");
Please help.
Thank you in advance!
The problem here is the selector used for radio buttons. You are trying to get all elements with class 1
, but if what you need is the selected radio so you have to use .1:checked
Without the html it is difficult to form a proper selector, but assuming those are the only radio buttons in the page you can try
Category = $("input:radio:checked");
As per your update the class used by you is radioB
Category = $(".radioB:checked");//no need to use `[type=radio]` if the class is only assigned to the radio elements