Search code examples

AUIScript Val().length is Undefined

I have a email address field and 3 radio buttons. You must click one radio button and it will redirect you to another page. I am testing here If I can get the value of radio button (Category.val).

Here is my code:

      function(A) {
        $('a.btn-resetpass').click(function() {
            var validator = $(".pwdLength"),
                Category = $(".1");

            if (validator.val().length != 0) {
                if (Category.val() == 1) {

                else if (Category.val() == 2) {

                else if (Category.val() == 3) {

            else {
                alert ("Please input a valid email");

Please help.

Thank you in advance!


  • The problem here is the selector used for radio buttons. You are trying to get all elements with class 1, but if what you need is the selected radio so you have to use .1:checked.

    Without the html it is difficult to form a proper selector, but assuming those are the only radio buttons in the page you can try

    Category = $("input:radio:checked");

    Update: As per your update the class used by you is radioB so

    Category = $(".radioB:checked");//no need to use `[type=radio]` if the class is only assigned to the radio elements