I'm having an issue with Cognos 10. I'm trying to calculate the number of days between to dates so I use the _days_between( date1, date2 ) function.
_days_between ([Derniere Date Changement diaphragme] , [Premiere Date Changement diaphragme])
I'm quite sure the two Dates are Date objects ( I set them to Dates in the properties anbd the data type from the DB is Date), but I get this error :
QE-DEF-0459 CCLException
QE-DEF-0260 Erreur d'analyse syntaxique avant ou près de la position 55 de '_days_between([Derniere Date Changement diaphragme],'
QE-DEF-0261 QFWP - Analyse du texte : days_between ([Derniere Date Changement diaphragme] , [Premiere Date Changement diaphragme])
Sorry for the error being in french, the error is a parsing error. I tried to use the function with "hard" dates, other dates from my DB, but nothing works!
EDIT : The function works only if I use _days_between( date1 ; date2) instead of _days_between( date1, date2) (Why?)
But I still can't calculate the number of days between the two dates. The function returns 0. However, _days_between( [Derniere Date Changement Diaphragme] ; 2015-05-01) works fine.
Any idea what's happening over here?
The Cognos _days_between function works with dates, not with datetimes.
Some databases, like Oracle, store all dates with a timestamp.
Try this in oracle:
abs([Derniere Date Changement diaphragme]-[Premiere Date Changement diaphragme])
Edit: The error happening on only one of your fields suggests an issue with that date field. Run a query directly against your MySql datasource and see if the raw data is coming through as a date correctly.
To do a date diff in MySql: DATEDIFF( [Derniere Date Changement diaphragme], [Premiere Date Changement diaphragme] )
Edit: This second point is not relevant in Cognos 10. It can be disregarded
When you must use cognos functions, convert your incoming date-with-time (datetime) fields to Date without any time (date) with a
CAST([Derniere Date Changement diaphragme],date)