I am struggling to get the Drupal Webapp created using powershell with a GalleryTemplate Json file. It creates Serverfarm, Database servers but fails for website creation. I am not able to figure out how to move ahead as website creation need to use the created hostingplan serverfarm.It would be great help to get a expertise help on the below. Thanks in advance.
GalleryTemplateIdentity :: Acquiacom.AcquiaDrupal7SQL.0.3.16-preview
PS C:\scripts> New-AzureResourceGroup -Name azurepowershellush -TemplateFile F:\DeployerScript\Acquiacom.AcquiaDrupal7SQL.0.3.16-preview.json -StorageAccountName pilot -Location "East US"
Prompt User Inputs
WARNING: The Switch-AzureMode cmdlet is deprecated and will be removed in a future release.
cmdlet New-AzureResourceGroup at command pipeline position 1
Supply values for the following parameters:
(Type !? for Help.)
siteName: azureappush
hostingPlanName: DefaultServerFarm
serverFarmResourceGroup: DefaultServerFarm
siteLocation: East US
serverName: azureappush
serverLocation: East US
administratorLogin: adminXprt_1
databaseName: adminXprt_1
webDeploy_DatabaseUsername: adminXprt_1
webDeploy_DatabasePassword: Sample_1987
New-AzureResourceGroup : 10:11:41 AM - Resource Microsoft.Web/Sites 'azureappush' failed with message 'Cannot find ServerFarm with
name DefaultServerFarm.'
ResourceGroupName : azurepowershellush
Location : eastus
Resources : {azureappush, adminXprt_1, azurepowerush, azurepowerush1...}
ResourcesTable :
Name Type Location
================= =============================== ========
azureappush Microsoft.Sql/servers eastus
adminXprt_1 Microsoft.Sql/servers/databases eastus
azurepowerush Microsoft.Sql/servers eastus
azurepowerush1 Microsoft.Sql/servers eastus
adminxprt_1 Microsoft.Sql/servers/databases eastus
adminxprt_1 Microsoft.Sql/servers/databases eastus
Default1 Microsoft.Web/serverFarms eastus
DefaultServerFarm Microsoft.Web/serverFarms eastus
ProvisioningState : Succeeded
Permissions : {Microsoft.Azure.Commands.Resources.Models.Authorization.PSPermission}
Thanks & Regards,
It looks like the web app is unable to find the server farm (AKA app service plan) since it's in a different resource group. To fix this, try creating the ServerFarm and web app in the same resource group.
i.e. use this command:
PS C:\scripts> New-AzureResourceGroup -Name "azurepowershellush" -TemplateFile F:\DeployerScript\Acquiacom.AcquiaDrupal7SQL.0.3.16-preview.json -StorageAccountName pilot -Location "East US" -siteName "azureappush"
-hostingPlanName "DefaultServerFarm" -serverFarmResourceGroup "azurepowershellush" -siteLocation "East US" -serverName "azureappush" -serverLocation "East US" -administratorLogin "adminXprt_1" -databaseName "adminXprt_1" -webDeploy_DatabaseUsername "adminXprt_1" -webDeploy_DatabasePassword "Sample_1987"
Note that -Name and -serverFarmResourceGroup are both "azurepowershellush".