I want to pass java-vm-args
for enabling touch controll in a application, that is deployed via webstart with a JNLP
file. Locally in the IDE (Intellij) I provide the following java-vm-args
, which is working:
-Dcom.sun.javafx.isEmbedded=true -Dcom.sun.javafx.virtualKeyboard=javafx
Further more the following property is used e.g. for a TextField
which works fine if started in the IDE with the above metioned args
myTextField.getProperties().put("vkType", "text");
The webstart with the JNLP
modified like the following is not working:
<j2se version="1.8+" java-vm-args="-XX:+UseConcMarkSweepGC -Xmx1024m -Dcom.sun.javafx.isEmbedded=true -Dcom.sun.javafx.virtualKeyboard=javafx"/>
The application logs the passed java-vm-args
, so I am able to check, wether an argument is passed or not. All desired args
are passed except for both the above mentioned args
How can I provide the above metioned args
via webstart / JNLP
Maybe some of your arguments to the java-vm-args are not explicitly supported by the JNLP as decribed here (scroll down to: "The following java-vm-args are supported by this version").
For touch control add this: -Dcom.sun.javafx.touch=true
(found here: https://community.oracle.com/thread/3548421)
Some of them are available per programming:
For example, check if it is embedded:
public void start(Stage stage) {
boolean isEmbedded = (stage.getWidth() > 0);
And others could be set by the html page that loads the JNLP. Look here to find whats all available:
A generated JNLP from a JavaFX Project on Netbeans looks like this:
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<jnlp spec="1.0" xmlns:jfx="http://javafx.com" href="JavaFXPreloaderApp.jnlp">
<j2se version="1.6+" java-vm-args="-Xms100m -Xmx1024m " href="http://java.sun.com/products/autodl/j2se"/>
<jar href="lib/JavaFXPreloader.jar" size="3760" download="progress" />
<jar href="JavaFXPreloaderApp.jar" size="5636" download="eager" />
<applet-desc width="800" height="600" main-class="com.javafx.main.NoJavaFXFallback" name="JavaFXPreloaderApp" >
<param name="requiredFXVersion" value="8.0+"/>
<jfx:javafx-desc width="800" height="600" main-class="application.JavaFXPreloaderApp" name="JavaFXPreloaderApp" preloader-class="preloader.JavaFXPreloader"/>
<update check="always"/>