My goal is to create a client to a web service with Apache CXF, located in a host (https://serverOutOfThisWorld) that I could only arrive through a putty tunnel.
L8400 -> serverOutOfThisWorld:443
I've added in my host the following:
localhost serverOutOfThisWorld
So I could put in my browser
And now, I can reach to this wsdl from a web browser without problem. But this WSDL has some imports that points out to this web, eg:
<xsd:import namespace=""
<xsd:import ....
Therefore, the next step is, with Fiddler, trying to map any invocation to serverOutOfThisWorld:433 to my serverOutOfThisWorld:8400. Ok, I created in the Tools/HOSTS options with this:
serverOutOfThisWorld:8400 serverOutOfThisWorld
And, now, I can navigate to this url in a browser: https://serverOutOfThisWorld/Bus/SomeWebService?wsdl
And, with the proxy defined in SoapUI to make use of Fiddler, I can create a New->Soap Project based in that URL.
But my problem comes when I try to create a client with SoapUI, and Tools>Apache CFX. It seems that the URLs are not override. In The soapUI log, I see:
Mon Jun 22 14:07:22 CEST 2015:INFO:command: [cmd.exe, /C, wsdl2java.bat, -p, my.packages, -d, C:\eclipsewks\PruebaWS\src, -client, -exsh, false, -dns, true, -dex, true, -verbose, https://serverOutOfThisWorld:443/Bus/SomeWebService?wsdl]
It seems that in cmd/wsdl2Java is not using fiddler...
Other option is trying the same with eclipse.. but at last, eclipse also uses wsd2java for creating the client. What can I do?
It may not a direct answer to your question. Let me try to explain what I do when I am in a situation like this.
Instead using proxies and redirections, I simply download all the Wsdl and xsd files to the same directory. After that I update all the import statements with simple file names. Since all the files are in same directory, I just use names in import statements no other path definitions are needed.
If i want to use SoapUI, I just use my version of WSDL and then update endpoint to the real one(In your case this will be fiddler address) if needed.
If i want to generate java client, i just simply use command line with wsdl2java
. Again, while using this client, I override its connection address accordingly.