I have a scenario where an important actor needs to make a call to a slow (15 - 20 seconds) remote system:
// Non-actor code equivalent
public Result makeSlowNetworkCall(Request request) {
Result result = slowServiceClient.soooooSlow(request); // Could be up to 15 - 20 SECONDS (mehhhh)
return result;
The Akka equivalent to this is currently looking like:
// Groovy
class SlowServiceActor extends UntypedActor {
void onReceive(Object message) {
if(message instanceof CallSlowService) {
Request request = (message as CallSlowService).request
Result result = makeSlowNetworkCall(request)
// ...now do something with result, some 15 seconds later
Result makeSlowNetworkCall(Request request) {
Obviously this is blocking and bad, bad, bad. After reading this excellent article on handling non-blocking DB calls, my main takeaway is that there are essentially two "bulkheading" strategies I can employ:
instances in their own dispatcher, to isolate their latency/blocking-ness from other actors/threads that don't interact directly with the Slow Service; andFutures
for true "asynchronicity"So my best attempt thus far is:
// In application.conf:
slowServiceDispatcher {
...config here
class CallSlowService implements Callable<Result> {
Result call() throws Exception {
// Created using the "slowServiceDispatcher"
class SlowServiceActor extends UntypedActor {
void onReceive(Object message) {
if(message instanceof CallSlowService) {
Request request = (message as CallSlowService).request
Future<Result> callSlowServiceFuture = Futures.future(new CallSlowService())
Result result = ???
// ...now do something with result, some 15 seconds later
But as you can see, I have a few problems:
API; I don't think that's meant for constructing new Futures
in a non-blocking fashion?If I understand this correctly, you kind of have two options here: you listen to a Future
being completed or you do something with the result:
If you want to listen, you can use some callback like
final ExecutionContext ec = system.dispatcher();
future.onSuccess(new OnSuccess<String>() {
public void onSuccess(String result) {
if ("bar" == result) {
//Do something if it resulted in "bar"
} else {
//Do something if it was some other String
}, ec);
The other way would be to map
the future's result. So you have the something like:
callSlowServiceFuture.map(new Mapper<ReturnType1, ReturnType2>() {
public ReturnType2 apply(ReturnType1 s) {
// do something with 's'
}, ec);
This way you say "... the moment I get a result from the service call, please manipulate it as described in apply ..."