I'm using QRegExp for geting some directories in a file. All of them start with "R:/ and finish with .c". So I used "R:/(.*).c" regex statement.
But it has 1 match for below text :
Text :
mov f1, dsa
lis r9, sdefwf "R:/frori.c"
addi r3, r9, cwrfg "R:/DWors.c"
li r4, 0*uy
dfr R:/DWors.c
dew d2, fref
Matched Text :
addi r3, r9, cwrfg "R:/DWors.c"
li r4, 0*uy
dfr R:/DWors
Match case starts with the first R: and ends with the last .c of text, but I need detect 3 matches in this example.
I searched for the answer, and find ? for .*; something like "R:/(. *?).c" statement that has to result for my example.(no match)
I want a regex statement that find 3 matches in my text.
Update: Maybe I'm wrong in using QRegExp functions.
here is my code :
QString fileName = QFileDialog::getOpenFileName(this, tr("Open Text file"), "", tr("All Files (*.*)"));
QFile file(fileName);
if (!file.open(QIODevice::ReadOnly | QIODevice::Text))
QString str;
QString dir;
while (!file.atEnd()) {
str = file.readAll();
QRegExp rx("R:(.*)\.c");
int pos = 0;
while ((pos = rx.indexIn(str, pos)) != -1) {
pos += rx.matchedLength();
qDebug() << dir;
The *
operator is usually greedy in Qt Regexp. You can change this by calling setMinimal(true)
Greedy regexps try to consume as much as possible, and therefore behave exactly as you are experiencing. Minimal Regexps try to match as little as possible. This should solve your problem, as the matching will stop at the c