I have this often, that JsFunction.apply doesn't work like I would expect. Consider this example:
import "dart:js";
import "dart:html";
void main() {
var div = querySelector('div');
var span = new SpanElement()..text = "hello world";
var js = new JsObject.fromBrowserObject(div);
// this one does work:
// js.callMethod("appendChild", [span]);
I would expect that js["appendChild"].apply([span]);
to work exactly the same as js.callMethod("appendChild", [span]);
See also this demo: https://dartpad.dartlang.org/0f35d76a3c61ba1371f1
It works with js["appendChild"].apply([span], thisArg: js);
If you don't provide thisArg
it's like you call Function.prototype.apply with null
as first argument.
Thus your Dart call is the same as the js :
var div = document.querySelector('div');
var span = document.createElement("span");
span.innerText = "hello world";
div["appendChild"].apply(null, [span]);
The execution of above js code leads to a TypeError: Illegal invocation
. To make it work you have to use div["appendChild"].apply(div, [span]);
So it was not a Dart issue but rather a js issue.