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OnSave event on a custom entity form in CRM 2015 enters in a recursive trigger

I have an event registered onSave on form of a custom entity on a crm 2015 on premise organization, which seems to enter in a recursive call. After i hit save the event keeps call it self, until i kill IE through task manager or the IE crashes with memory stack full. I have checked and it doesn't seem to be related to what i have in the function, meaning i am not triggering in any way the on save event again.

Here is the function code:

function contract_OnSave(context) {

    var eventArgs = context.getEventArgs();
    if (eventArgs.getSaveMode() == 1) {

        if (Xrm.Page.getAttribute("new_field").getValue() != null) {
            var mort = Xrm.Page.getAttribute("new_field").getValue();

            if (mort == true) {

                Xrm.Utility.confirmDialog("Would you like to open a new window for a Case?",
function saveFormOnOpenCase()
    var parameters = {};
    parameters["new_subjectnew"] = 100000002;
    // Open the window.
    var windowOptions = {
        openInNewWindow: true
    Xrm.Utility.openEntityForm("incident", null, parameters, windowOptions);
function callback() {


It seemed to me like it is a bug in CRM 2015, after which i checked the version of the CRM, and noticed it is the RTM version. I suggested a CRM upgrade to Update 1 and it seemed as the most logical step to take. But even after the upgrade, the issue is still there.

I tried registering the same function on OnChange event on the field, and it was working fine, except the openInNewWindow option, of the openEntityForm function, which does not open a new window, but that is a different issue.

I am using IE 11.

Can someone please confirm if this is happening in another CRM 2015 environment as well, or if i am missing something?


  • The actual problem which makes the OnSave function go into a recursive call is in the following:

    var windowOptions = {
        openInNewWindow: true
    Xrm.Utility.openEntityForm("incident", null, parameters, windowOptions);

    As mentioned in the link

    The windowOptions parameter in the openEntityForm should open the new form in a new window but for some reason it doesn't, although the CRM is updated with update 1 for CRM 2015. Because the form doesn't open in a new window, when leaving the current form, an auto-save event is fired which causes the form to enter the recursion and initiate the OnSave event.

    I fixed the issue by using pure a javascript function (not using the CRM SDK) to open the form in a new window, which doesn't initiate the OnSave event.