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How use a collection only in localStorage with Backbone Js

I'm making a website with Backbone and Marionette and in this website I'm making a shopping cart.

But, in the cart, I don't want to create an endpoint to save the items if the user is unlogged. I want to save only in localStorage.

I'm trying to make this with Backbone.localStorage but I cannot make this.

App.Collections.Cart = Backbone.Collection.extend({
    model: GroovecollabWebsite.Models.Category,
    localStorage: new Backbone.LocalStorage("localCart")

I want to make this:

var collection = new App.Collections.Cart();
collection.add({/* My model here */}); // Run event to sync with localStorage
collection.remove(<id>); // Run event to sync with localStorage

How can I do this?



  • If you want to save your collection on changes, you can add it in the initializer in your collection:

    initialize: function() {
      this.on('add remove', function() {