I have 3 buttons that concatenate input text differently:
var myTxtArea = document.getElementById('KWarea');
myTxtArea.value = myTxtArea.value.replace(/^\s*|\s*$/g, '');
var lines = $('#KWarea').val().replace(/\*/g, '').split('\n');
$('#produce').click(function () {
var endString = "";
myTxtArea.value = myTxtArea.value.replace(/^\s*|\s*$/g, '');
var lines = $('#KWarea').val().replace(/\*/g, '').split('\n');
for (var i = 0; i < lines.length; ++i) {
endString += '"*' + $.trim(lines[i]) + '*"' + ',' + '"* ' + lines[i] + ' *"' + ',';
// console.log(lines[i]);
var trimmedStr = endString.slice(0, -1);
$('#result1').html("ctx.keywords MATCHES (" + trimmedStr + ")");
$('#Strlength').html('Total string length: ' + trimmedStr.length);
$('#produce2').click(function () {
var endString = "";
for (var i = 0; i < lines.length; ++i) {
endString += '"*' + $.trim(lines[i]) + '*"' + ',';
var trimmedStr = endString.slice(0, -1);
$('#result1').html("ctx.keywords MATCHES (" + trimmedStr + ")");
$('#Strlength').html('Total string length: ' + trimmedStr.length);
$('#produce3').click(function () {
var endString = "";
for (var i = 0; i < lines.length; ++i) {
endString += '"' + $.trim(lines[i]) + '"' + ',';
var trimmedStr = endString.slice(0, -1);
$('#result1').html("ctx.keywords MATCHES (" + trimmedStr + ")");
$('#Strlength').html('Total string length: ' + trimmedStr.length);
I would like to avoid repeating over and over the following:
$('#result1').html("ctx.keywords MATCHES (" + trimmedStr + ")");
$('#Strlength').html('Total string length: ' + trimmedStr.length);
But trimmedStr
depends on endString
and I can't refactor without ending up with some var undefined
Many thanks
It looks like a little bigger refactoring might be beneficial. Something along these lines?
function getInput () {
var lines = $('#KWarea').val().split('\n');
var plainKeywords = lines.map(function (line) {
// Match the line for correct input string
return line.match(/^\s*\**([a-z 0-9]+)\**\s*$/i)[1];
}).filter(function (word) {
// No match -> discard line
return word !== undefined;
return plainKeywords;
function getKeywords (type, word) {
if(type == 1) return ['"*' + word + '*"', '"* ' + word + ' *"'];
if(type == 2) return ['"*' + word + '*"'];
return ['"' + word + '"'];
function showKeywords (type) {
// Comma seperated list of keywords
var output = getInput().reduce(function (memo, i) {
return memo.concat(getKeywords(type, i));
}, []).join(',');
$('#result1').html('ctx.keywords MATCHES (' + output + ')');
$('#Strlength').html('Total string length: ' + output.length);
$('#produce').click(showKeywords.bind(null, 1));
$('#produce2').click(showKeywords.bind(null, 2));
$('#produce3').click(showKeywords.bind(null, 3));