I have elgato capture device connected to my pc and i'm trying to capture and watch live the window of the elgato capture device.
I searched in google and found this answer:
Can you use Elgato's HDMIComponent Game Capture HD as a video-in device in C#?
This is the code:
IFilterGraph2 graph;
ICaptureGraphBuilder2 captureGraph;
IBaseFilter elgatoFilter;
IBaseFilter smartTeeFilter;
IBaseFilter videoRendererFilter;
Size videoSize;
//Set the video size to use for capture and recording
videoSize = new Size(1280, 720);
//Initialize filter graph and capture graph
graph = (IFilterGraph2)new FilterGraph();
captureGraph = (ICaptureGraphBuilder2)new CaptureGraphBuilder2();
rot = new DsROTEntry(graph);
//Create filter for Elgato
Guid elgatoGuid = new Guid("39F50F4C-99E1-464A-B6F9-D605B4FB5918");
Type comType = Type.GetTypeFromCLSID(elgatoGuid);
elgatoFilter = (IBaseFilter)Activator.CreateInstance(comType);
graph.AddFilter(elgatoFilter, "Elgato Video Capture Filter");
//Create smart tee filter, add to graph, connect Elgato's video out to smart tee in
smartTeeFilter = (IBaseFilter)new SmartTee();
graph.AddFilter(smartTeeFilter, "Smart Tee");
IPin outPin = GetPin(PinDirection.Output, "Video", elgatoFilter);
IPin inPin = GetPin(PinDirection.Input, smartTeeFilter);
graph.Connect(outPin, inPin);
//Create video renderer filter, add it to graph, connect smartTee Preview pin to video renderer's input pin
videoRendererFilter = (IBaseFilter)new VideoRenderer();
graph.AddFilter(videoRendererFilter, "Video Renderer");
outPin = GetPin(PinDirection.Output, "Preview", smartTeeFilter);
inPin = GetPin(PinDirection.Input, videoRendererFilter);
graph.Connect(outPin, inPin);
//Render stream from video renderer
captureGraph.RenderStream(PinCategory.Preview, MediaType.Video, videoRendererFilter, null, null);
//Set the video preview to be the videoFeed panel
IVideoWindow vw = (IVideoWindow)graph;
vw.put_WindowStyle(WindowStyle.Child | WindowStyle.ClipSiblings | WindowStyle.ClipChildren);
vw.SetWindowPosition(0, 0, 1280, 720);
//Start the preview
mediaControl = graph as IMediaControl;
I created a new form in my project and added the DirectShowLib-2005 dll Then i added in the top of the new form:
using DirectShowLib;
Before the constructor added the global vars:
IFilterGraph2 graph;
ICaptureGraphBuilder2 captureGraph;
IBaseFilter elgatoFilter;
IBaseFilter smartTeeFilter;
IBaseFilter videoRendererFilter;
Size videoSize;
Then in the constructor i added the rest of the code. And i'm getting now few errors:
On this line the variable rot is not exist:
rot = new DsROTEntry(graph);
In the four lines that use the method GetPin so the method GetPin not exist:
IPin outPin = GetPin(PinDirection.Output, "Video", elgatoFilter);
IPin inPin = GetPin(PinDirection.Input, smartTeeFilter);
outPin = GetPin(PinDirection.Output, "Preview", smartTeeFilter);
inPin = GetPin(PinDirection.Input, videoRendererFilter);
On this line:
The variable videoFeed not exist.
And in the end this two lines:
mediaControl = graph as IMediaControl;
mediaControl not exist.
What am i missing ?
is your control which is to host video you are embedding.
would be a variable of type IMediaControl
IMediaControl mediaControl = graph as IMediaControl;
is this or similar; DsROTEntry
is not mandatory but helps inspect filter graph externally using GraphEdit or similar tool.