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Image not displaying in ms word after converting it from Bitmap to RTF (but displaying in wordpad)

I am trying to convert a bitmap file to rtf using Delphi 2007.

I used below code for conversion.

function BitmapToRTF(pict: TBitmap): string;
  bi, bb, rtf: string;
  bis, bbs: Cardinal;
  achar: ShortString;
  hexpict: string;
  I: Integer;
  GetDIBSizes(pict.Handle, bis, bbs);
  SetLength(bi, bis);
  SetLength(bb, bbs);
  GetDIB(pict.Handle, pict.Palette, PChar(bi)^, PChar(bb)^);
  rtf := '{\rtf1 {\pict\dibitmap0 ';
  SetLength(hexpict, (Length(bb) + Length(bi)) * 2);
  I := 2;
  for bis := 1 to Length(bi) do
    achar := Format('%x', [Integer(bi[bis])]);
    if Length(achar) = 1 then
      achar := '0' + achar;
    hexpict[I - 1] := achar[1];
    hexpict[I] := achar[2];
    Inc(I, 2);
  for bbs := 1 to Length(bb) do
    achar := Format('%x', [Integer(bb[bbs])]);
    if Length(achar) = 1 then
      achar := '0' + achar;
    hexpict[I - 1] := achar[1];
    hexpict[I] := achar[2];
    Inc(I, 2);
  rtf := rtf + hexpict + ' }}';
  Result := rtf;

Now my problem is i was not able to view the image in MS Word or Viewer.

But i can view the image in word pad.

Please suggest me in solving this problem.


  • I think the problem is that the Word implementation for RTF rendering asks for more information than the Wordpad's one (I think that for security reasons -avoid overflow attacks-), but this is pure speculation I must confess.

    Try being accurate when describing your bitmap info: for example if the bitmap is 32-bit use \wbmbitspixel32, put the width and height in your rtf encoding with \picw and \pich, etc. May be you have luck with that.

    Here is an example of this: