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APIARY Mock JSON Data for multiple Single Object

In my apiary, I have defined the following to retrieve one id when id is passed to A single Note object with all its details

{ "id": 2, "title": "Pick-up posters from post-office" }

If I would like to pass another id by passing 3, how to define JSON entry in apiary?

{ "id": 2, "title": "Pick-up posters from post-office" }
{ "id": 3, "title": "third entry" }

However when I tried as

it is not returning details for id 3.

How could I fix this?


  • As you can see from this question: - multiple responses (200) with different parameters

    It looks like Apiary Mock Server creates/generates only one URL for each resource and that URL parameters are not "tied up" with different responses. They might actually plan to do it in the future:

    So, at the moment, I believe you have a simple solution to achieve what you need:

    Create different resources (one for each record), so each one will generate one URL.

    ## Note20 [/notes/20]
    ### Get notes20 [GET]
    + Response 200 (application/json)
                "id" : 20,
                "name" : "note xxxx"
    ## Note21 [/notes/21]
    ### Get notes21 [GET]
    + Response 200 (application/json)
                "id" : 21,
                "name" : "note yyyyy"

    Otherwise you can play with headers parameters, sent every time you call the URL, as explained in this link: but I don't find it good.

    I don't have other solutions at the moment. Hope this helps you