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Apache Cordova broadband

I haven't been able to find information about network restrictions and Cordova. My question is How can I prevent or restrict the use of mobile (3G/4G) broadband in a Apache Cordova 5 App?


  • You could use the following plugin. To check the connection type and act on that connection type. For example:

    function checkConnection() {
        var networkState = navigator.connection.type;
        var states = {};
        states[Connection.UNKNOWN]  = 'Unknown connection';
        states[Connection.ETHERNET] = 'Ethernet connection';
        states[Connection.WIFI]     = 'WiFi connection';
        states[Connection.CELL_2G]  = 'Cell 2G connection';
        states[Connection.CELL_3G]  = 'Cell 3G connection';
        states[Connection.CELL_4G]  = 'Cell 4G connection';
        states[Connection.CELL]     = 'Cell generic connection';
        states[Connection.NONE]     = 'No network connection';
        if(!states[Connection.WIFI] || !states[Connection.ETHERNET]) {
            alert('Your current connection type: ' + states[networkState] + ' is not supported in this app!');
            // Execute anything you want