I have a userform with an OK
and Cancel
button and a listbox. It is supposed to populate using this code:
Private Sub UserForm_Initialize()
Me.StartUpPosition = 0
Me.Top = Application.Top + (Application.Height / 2) - (Me.Height / 2)
Me.Left = Application.Left + (Application.Width / 2) - (Me.Width / 2)
With Me.ListBox1
.RowSource = ""
.ColumnCount = 7
.ColumnWidths = "80;100;20;1;20;1;1000"
.RowSource = Sheets("BOH Database").Range("H9:N14").Address
' .RowSource = Sheets("BOH Database").Range("H9:N" & Sheets("BOH Database").Range("a65536").End(xlUp).Row - 1).Address
End With
End Sub
Neither RowSource statements work. I have tried clearing RowSource before filling it again. What am I doing wrong?
EDIT: I've added the code i currently have here as it doesn't show properly in the comment: I'm using this code based on yours and it's crashing the sheet:
With Me.ListBox1
.ColumnCount = 7
.ColumnWidths = "80;100;20;1;20;1;1000"
.RowSource = "'" & Sheets("BOH Database").Name & "'!" & Sheets("BOH Database") _
.Range("H9:N" & Sheets("BOH Database").Range("a65536").End(xlUp).Row - 1).Address
End With
That is an incorrect way to do it. The syntax is
ListBox1.RowSource = "SheetName!RangeAddress"
So if your sheet name is say Sheet1
then the above becomes
ListBox1.RowSource = "Sheet1!H9:N14"
Also since your sheet name has a space, you will have to add '
before and after the sheet name.
Try this
ListBox1.RowSource = "'BOH Database'!H9:N14"
Or in your way...
With Sheets("BOH Database")
ListBox1.RowSource = "'" & .Name & "'!" & .Range("H9:N14").Address
End With