I have problem with a variable I made (it's a string) in JavaScript. It will be prompt
from the user and then with the switch
I will check if it is true or not. Then when I input it upper case it will say it is identified as a another var.
Here is my code:
var grade = prompt("Please enter your class") ;
switch ( grade ){
case "firstclass" :
alert("It's 500 $")
case "economic" :
alert("It's 250 $")
alert("Sorry we dont have it right now");
as @nicael stated just lowercase what they input. However, if you need to preserve the way it was input and only compare using the lowercase equivalent, use this:
var grade = prompt("Please enter your class") ;
switch ( grade.toLowerCase() ){
case "firstclass" :
alert("It's $500");
case "economic" :
alert("It's $250");
default :
alert("Sorry we don't have it right now");