Understanding that PKCS5_PBKDF2_HMAC()
requires a salt and gives back a derivedKey
And that GCM<AES>::Encryption.SetKeyWithIV()
requires an iv (along with the derivedKey)
Is it safe to use the same value for salt (in PKCS5_PBKDF2_HMAC()
) and iv (in GCM<AES>::Encryption.SetKeyWithIV()
) - or should they be different?
Is it safe to use the same value for salt (in PKCS5_PBKDF2_HMAC()) and iv (in GCM::Encryption.SetKeyWithIV()) - or should they be different?
Yes and no. Yes - you can use the output of PKCS5_PBKDF2_HMAC
to generate a salt, iv or key. No - you should not reuse parameters like that.
Often, you do something like below. It uses unique labels, so derived parameters cannot be the same.
string password = "super secret password;
string label = "Key derivation with IV";
size_t length = password.length() + label.length();
unsigned int count = 5000;
SecByteBlock key(32 /*Key*/ + 16 /*IV*/);
pbkdf2.DeriveKey(key, key.size(), 0, (unsigned char*)(password + label).data(), length,
NULL /*salt*/, 0 /*salt length*/, count);
GCM<AES>::Encryption encryptor;
encryptor.SetKeyWithIV(key, 32, key+32, 16);
The label above help makes the derivation unique.
If you derive for a salt, your label might be "Salt derivation for X"
. In this case, you will get different values from the KDF.
In the above, its OK to apply the KDF twice. First, apply it with no salt to create a salt (using a unique label). Second, using the salt to derive a key and iv (using the previous generated salt and a unique label).