In following function,
void swap(int * a, int * b) {
int t;
t = *a; // = *a
*a = *b; // a* =
*b = t;
What is the difference between = *a
and *a =
I've heard that the *
operator in = *a
is a de-referencing(or in-directing) operator which fetches(?) that value from the pointer.
Then, what is the actual meaning of *a =
Yesterday, the day I asked this question, I explained about pointers to my colleague whose major field has nothing to do with pointers.
I quickly typed a source code like this.
#include <stdio.h>
void swap1(int a , int b) {
int t = a;
a = b;
b = t;
void swap2(int * a, int * b) {
int t = *a;
*a = *b;
*b = t;
int main(int argc, char * argv[]) {
int a = 10;
int b = 20;
swap1(a, b);
swap2(&a, &b);
I was even proud of myself for remembering things imprinted on my brain in 1996. (I've been with Java for almost 20 years.)
I used a bunch of printf
s with %d
s and %p
s to show her what was happening.
Then I made a terrible mistake. I declared.
포인터 변수 앞에 별을 붙이면 값을 가져온다는 뜻이에요.
When you attach a STAR in front of a pointer variable, that means you fetches(retrieves) the value.
Well that could be applied to following statement.
int t = *a;
Which simply can be said,
int t = 10;
The big problem I faced came from the second statement.
*a = *b; // 10 = 20?
The root evil is that I didn't try to explain about the dereference operator or I didn't ask to myself of being aware of the meaning of a 별(star).
Here is what people would say.
= *a
,the actual value at the address denoted by
is assigned to the left side.for
*a =
the value of the right side is stored in the address denoted by
That's what I'm confusing of. And that's why I should re-think about the meaning of `de-referencing'.
Thanks for answers.
Oh I think this problem is going deeper to the concepts of lvalue
s and rvalue
t = *a;
the pointer a
is dereferenced and this value is assigned to t
whereas here:
*a = *b;
both b
and a
are dereferenced and the value of *b
is stored in the address a