how can i use ng-tags-input inside a ng-repeat loop, when each element has different tags? How can i set the ng-model dynamically?
<div ng-controller="myController">
<li ng-repeat="file in files">
{{file}} <tags-input ng-model="tags"></tags-input>
app.controller('myController', function ($scope) {
$scope.tags = ['tagA','tagB'];
// $scope.tags['file1'] = ['tagA','tagB'];
// $scope.tags['file2'] = ['tagC','tagD'];
Thanks in advance!
I have the same solution as Claies suggested but I tried my self. Please check working example :
<li ng-repeat="file in files">
<tags-input ng-model="file.tags"></tags-input>
var app = angular.module('plunker', ['ngTagsInput']);
app.controller('MainCtrl', function($scope, $http) {
$scope.files = [
name : 'file1','tags': [{text: 'tagA'},{text: 'tagB'}]
name : 'file2','tags': [{text: 'tagC'},{text: 'tagD'}]