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Comparison Express JS, Angular JS vs Backbone JS

I am starting to learn node js for a while and it seem amazing. When I start to apply nodejs to build a scalable website, I am wondering to do Express for back-end, BackBone Js or Angular JS for front-end, people said Express JS is very fast, while Backbone.js seem to be MVC,

so 1) can we have a comparison between the Backbone and Angular 2) under which project requirements, developer skills,... we should select either framework ? 3) And which one can integrate better with Express ? I am a newbie to nodejs so all suggestion are welcome.


  • Express is for backend servers. So it can be compared to other languages' frameworks such as Sinatra (Ruby), Django (Python), etc.

    Backbone is a minimalist frontend framework, comparable to others in the game such as Ember.js, Angular, etc.

    The main difference is that Express runs on a server and Backbone in a browser. Express is for making APIs and Backbone for client apps.