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How do i access a shorthand helper in Ember in a unit test?

How do I access a shorthand helper in a unit test in order to test it?



import Ember from 'ember';

export default Ember.Helper.helper(function(params, hash) {
  var fullAddress = hash.line1 === "" ? "" : hash.line1 + ", ";
  fullAddress += === "" ? "" : + ", " ;
  fullAddress += hash.postCode === "" ? "" : hash.postCode + ", ";

  if (fullAddress.length > 2) {
    fullAddress = fullAddress.replace(/,(\s+)?$/, "");

  return fullAddress;

Use the shorthand helper in addresses.hbs

{{#each model.addresses key="id" as |address|}}
    {{full-address line1=address.line1 postCode=address.postCode}}


import { fullAddress } from '../../../helpers/full-address';
import { module, test } from 'qunit';

module('Unit | Helper | full address');

// Replace this with your real tests.
test('it works', function(assert) {
  var line1 = "123 Test Street";
  var town = "My Town";
  var postCode = "TE5 5ST";

  var expected = line1 + ", " + town + ", " + postCode;

  var result = ??? // Call helper here
  assert.equal(result, expected);

How would I call the shorthand helper with those 3 variables that are hashed?


  • You need to slightly modify your helper file:

    import Ember from 'ember';
    export function fullAddress(params, hash) {
      let retValue = hash.line1 === "" ? "" : hash.line1 + ", ";
      retValue += === "" ? "" : + ", " ;
      retValue += hash.postCode === "" ? "" : hash.postCode + ", ";
      if (retValue.length > 2) {
        retValue = retValue.replace(/,(\s+)?$/, "");
      return retValue;
    export default Ember.Helper.helper(fullAddress);

    Then, you can write your test:

    import { fullAddress } from '../../../helpers/full-address';
    import { module, test } from 'qunit';
    module('Unit | Helper | full address');
    test('it works', function(assert) {
      var line1 = "123 Test Street";
      var town = "My Town";
      var postCode = "TE5 5ST";
      var expected = line1 + ", " + town + ", " + postCode;
      var result = fullAddress(null, {
        line1: line1,
        town: town,
        postCode: postCode
      }); // Call helper here
      assert.equal(result, expected);

    If you run this test module only you will get:

    test screenshot

    Return value of fullAddress in this case was: 123 Test Street, My Town, TE5 5ST which matched expected value.