I try to execute this query:
MongoCollection<AnalyticsClicks> dbCollection = DetermineCollectionName<AnalyticsClicks>();
var query = from c in dbCollection.AsQueryable()
where c.UserId == userId && c.CampaignId == campaignId
select new
var res = query.GroupBy(x => x.Email, b => b.Link).Count();
but I have exception:
The GroupBy query operator is not supported.
I wrote a equivalent request in the robomongo
{ $match: { UserId: 4790, CampaignId: 92093}},
{ $group : {
"_id" : {
"Email" : "$Email",
"Link" : "$Link",
It works, but I also need to get the count of items in the current collection. How can I rewrite this query using C# mongo driver?
Thank you, it is my work example
MongoCollection<AnalyticsClicks> dbCollection = DetermineCollectionName<AnalyticsClicks>();
var match = new BsonDocument
new BsonDocument {{"UserId", userId}, {"CampaignId", campaignId}}
var group = new BsonDocument
{ "$group",
new BsonDocument
{ "_id", new BsonDocument {{"Email", "$Email" }, {"Link", "$Link"}, }},
AggregateArgs pipeline = new AggregateArgs()
Pipeline = new[] { match, group }
var result = dbCollection.Aggregate(pipeline);
return Convert.ToInt32(result.Count());