I am trying to run a rake task to get all the data with a specific tag from Instagram, and then input some of the data into my server.
The task runs just fine, except sometimes I'll get an error response. It's sort of random, so I think it just happens sometimes, and since it's a fairly long running task, it'll happen eventually.
This is the error on my console: Instagram::BadGateway: GET https://api.instagram.com/v1/tags/xxx/media/recent.json?access_token=xxxxx&max_id=996890856542960826: 502: The server returned an invalid or incomplete response.
When this happens, I don't know what else to do except run the task again starting from that max_id. However, it would be nice if I could get the whole thing to automate itself, and retry itself from that point when it gets that error.
My task looks something like this:
task :download => :environment do
igs = Instagram.tag_recent_media("xxx")
sleep 0.2
igs.each do |ig|
dl = Instadownload.new
dl.instagram_url = ig.link
dl.image_url = ig.images.standard_resolution.url
dl.caption = ig.caption.text if ig.caption
dl.taken_at = Time.at(ig.created_time.to_i)
if igs.pagination.next_max_id?
igs = Instagram.tag_recent_media("xxx", max_id: igs.pagination.next_max_id)
moreigs = true
moreigs = false
end while moreigs
Chad Pytel and Tammer Saleh call this "Fire and forget" antipattern in their Rails Antipatterns book:
Assuming that the request always succeeds or simply not caring if it fails may be valid in rare circumstances, but in most cases it's unsufficient. On the other hand, rescuing all the exceptions would be a bad practice aswell. The proper solution would be to understand the actual exceptions that will be raised by external service and rescue those only.
So, what you should do is to wrap your code block into begin/rescue
block with the appropriate set of errors raised by Instagram
(list of those errors can be found here). I'm not sure which particular line of your code snippet ends with 502
code, so just to give you and idea of what it could look like:
dl = Instadownload.new
dl.instagram_url = ig.link
dl.image_url = ig.images.standard_resolution.url
dl.caption = ig.caption.text if ig.caption
dl.taken_at = Time.at(ig.created_time.to_i)
rescue Instagram::BadGateway => e # list of acceptable errors can be expanded
retry # restart from beginning