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Passing the (initial) value of a shared variable to a generic during component instantiation

I am trying to structure a testbench such, that each test case is represented by a record which holds all the parameters for the test case, e.g. input file names, generics to be used for DUT instantiation &cetera. The idea is that only one assignment needs to be changed to switch between different test cases.

type string_ptr is access string;
type test_case_t is record  
    input_file : string_ptr;  
end record;  

shared variable test_case_1 : test_case_t := (  
    input_file => new string'("path to input file 1")
shared variable TEST_CASE : test_case_t := test_case_1;

dut: my_module
    generic map (
        file_name => TEST_CASE.input_file.all

A string pointer is used for input_file since no unconstraint arrays are allowed inside a record type declaration (in this case, pre-VHDL-2008).
Due to the string pointer in test_case_t I have to use a shared variable for test_case_1.
However, when I try to simulate this testbench in Xilinx ISE/ISim 14.4 the simulator keeps using the default value of the generic and not the value I pass to it in the testbench (I assume this is a bug).

I tried to work around the issue with

constant INPUT_FILE : string := TEST_CASE.input_file.all;

dut: my_module
    generic map (
        file_name => INPUT_FILE

This is basically using the initial value of a shared variable as the initial value for a constant. However, this assignment will crash the Xilinx compiler before simulation even started (another bug I assume).

At this point I no longer trust the Xilinx tools at all.
My question is if a shared variable can be used to pass generic values to a module as shown above (first code snippet)?
Also, is this usage of shared variable advisable for testbenches? I would have used a constant or signal for test_case_1 but due to the use string_ptr type in test_case_t this seems not to be allowed.


  • You can associate any fixed length string expression as the value of a generic constant as an actual in a generic map to a formal of type string with an unbound subtype indication.

    To understand why this works we turn to elaboration of generics.

    IEEE Std 1076-2008 (the LRM):

    14.3 Elaboration of a block, package, or subprogram header

    14.3.2 Generic clause

    Elaboration of a generic clause consists of the elaboration of each of the equivalent single generic declarations contained in the clause, in the order given. The elaboration of a generic declaration establishes that the generic can subsequently be referenced. Generic clauses (para 5)

    The subtype denoted by a generic type is specified by the corresponding actual in a generic association list. It is an error if no such actual is specified for a given formal generic type (either because the formal generic is unassociated or because the actual is open).

    (And note the actual of a generic is an expression and the association list is the generic map. Also note this doesn't match Brian's expectations on how the subtype indication for a string as a generic is determined from his Ada background.)

    So that means that this:

    entity my_module is
        generic ( constant file_name: string := "default_string");
    end entity;
    architecture foo of my_module is
            report "generic file_name = " & file_name;
        end process;
    end architecture;
    entity foo is
    end entity;
    architecture fum of foo is
        type string_ptr is access string;
        type test_case_t is 
                input_file : string_ptr;  
            end record;  
        shared variable test_case_1 : test_case_t := 
                (input_file => new string'("""path to input file 1"""));  
        shared variable TEST_CASE : test_case_t := test_case_1;
        component my_module is
            generic (
                constant file_name: string := "default string"
        end component;
    dut: my_module
        generic map (
            file_name => TEST_CASE.input_file.all
    end architecture;

    is legal VHDL:

    ghdl -a my_module.vhdl
    ghdl -e foo
    ghdl -r foo
    my_module.vhdl:10:9:@0ms:(report note): generic file_name = "path to input file 1"

    As well as this:

    architecture fuu of foo is
        -- type string_ptr is access string;
        -- type test_case_t is
        --     record
        --         input_file : string_ptr;
        --     end record;
        -- shared variable test_case_1 : test_case_t :=
        --         (input_file => new string'("""path to input file 1"""));
        -- shared variable TEST_CASE : test_case_t := test_case_1;
        component my_module is
            generic (
                constant file_name: string := "default string"
        end component;
    dut: my_module
        generic map (
            file_name => """some other string""" -- TEST_CASE.input_file.all
    end architecture;

    Which gives:

    ghdl -a my_module.vhdl
    ghdl -e foo
    ghdl -r foo
    my_module.vhdl:10:9:@0ms:(report note): generic file_name = "some other string"

    So this tells us a couple of things.

    ISIM is not quite standard compliant in implementing generics. From the difference in the two architectures we can see that your particular ISIM version likely is not determining the subtype from the actual as per quoted above noting you're trying to deal with string subtype (length). (You'd expect if someone were to point it out Xilinx would fix it).

    You could try not providing a default expression in the generic clause in the entity declaration (noting component declarations should match). See para 4:

    The value of a generic constant may be specified by the corresponding actual in a generic association list. If no such actual is specified for a given formal generic constant (either because the formal generic is unassociated or because the actual is open), and if a default expression is specified for that generic, the value of this expression is the value of the generic. It is an error if no actual is specified for a given formal generic constant and no default expression is present in the corresponding interface element. It is an error if some of the subelements of a composite formal generic constant are connected and others are either unconnected or unassociated.

    It's an either or situation, if neither it's an error.

    There's also propagating a top level constant or generic (where supported by the tool implementation) requires passing every unique value through generics of each successive hierarchical block element. This would require the implementation supports properly. (See the bit about para 4 above).

    And if you were really clever and the simulation and synthesis implementations supported configuration declarations properly there's likely a way to do something through configuration (providing two different use clauses with two different packages providing component declarations with two different actuals in generic clauses - this also requires the VHDL implementation also support, also see para 4 above). This method would allow you to simulate different configurations for different sets of actual values.